Register with Practice

Welcome to Stockbridge Practice!

Patients are registered with the Practice.   All patients have a named GP.  This is so we can fairly distribute paperwork.  You do not have to see your named GP.  

If there is a GP you see regularly and you would prefer that they are your named GP please contact us by sending in an administrative eConsult by clicking here. or call us on 01264 810524.

Boarding School Children and University Students

Patients can only be permanently registered with one NHS GP Surgery at any one time. This should be a surgery close to where the person is ordinarily resident for the majority of the time. For boarding school and university students this will be where they are studying. Students who go home on weekends should remember that GP surgeries are closed for urgent medical problems during that time. So, it’s best to register with a GP where they live from Monday to Friday.

Most boarding schools need students to have a GP surgery near the school. Often staff from the GP attend school to see patients. Talk to the new GP surgery if your child has a long-term medical issue. It's important to discuss how to manage it. Make sure the staff can access all relevant medical history.

Many issues can be handled remotely. So, if a student is back home, they can request prescriptions online. These can be sent to a local pharmacist. Also, eConsults or electronic requests can address medical issues. Telephone and video consultations are available too.

As a parent you can contact your child’s GP surgery at school on their behalf via telephone or eConsult / email. Keep these contact details handy. You may need them to reach the surgery while your child is at home. Parents often have a school email, but it may not be available during holidays.

It's best to reach out to your registered GP surgery. They have your full medical history. Accessing current medical information is crucial for providing safe care.

A student living at home with an urgent medical need can visit Stockbridge Surgery as a temporary patient. This should be for urgent medical problems and not long-term conditions. The GPs and Nurses at Stockbridge Surgery will have no access to any recent consultations or current medication. It is preferable to contact the permanent GP surgery unless a face-to-face examination is going to be required.

Non-English Speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:

england English Iran Farsi Urdu Urdu
albania Albanian Bengali Bengali india Hindi
egypt Arabic Croatian Croatian lithuania Lithuanian
bulgaria Bulgarian Punjabi Punjabi poland Polish
china Chinese (Cantonese) Somali Somali portugal Portuguese
china Chinese (Mandarin) Gujerati Gujerati spain Spanish
russia Russian Turkish Turkish French French