
February 2025

Please click here to download a PDF of our February 2025 newsletter.

The Government has launched a consultation on the future of the NHS. You can participate by clicking here.

GP Appointments

We are pleased that so many patients are now making use of the NHS App and the surgery website, and hope you are getting to know the many services you can access for yourself without the need for a GP appointment. 


We would like to encourage all patients to check the ‘Do I need to see a GP?’ page on our website which provides information on services which are available to you without the need to see a GP first.  The page can be accessed here.


We recognise that booking online is convenient for patients and efficient for the practice, but there will be times when you cannot see any appointments to book.  This does not mean we have no appointments – it means you need to telephone the surgery on 01264 810524 to book an appointment or send us an eConsult accessible here between 8.30am on Mondays until 6.30pm on Fridays (excluding bank holidays).  Outside of these times the link will take you to the 111 online consultation page.


If you have an urgent health condition, please always ring the surgery when we are open.   Please be available to attend on the day you call us.  When we are closed, please contact 111 for urgent advice and, as always, dial 999 for real emergencies.  Please note that on Saturdays, Stockbridge Surgery is only open for pre-booked routine appointments and medication collection.


There is a new service available to everyone in England called Pharmacy First.  Our local Stockbridge Pharmacy is participating, and you can see the Pharmacist for a limited number of conditions.  All the relevant information is on our website, accessible here.


  • There are many other services which you can contact directly yourself, for example our Physiotherapist for new muscle and joint problems, our Clinical Pharmacist for cholesterol and blood pressure management, our Social Prescriber for ADHD referrals. You can self-refer for hearing tests and physiotherapy treatment.  Our GPs are constantly revising the ‘Do I need to see a GP’ page on our website to keep it up to date as services change.


  • When you call the surgery, please be prepared to give the receptionist some brief details of your problem. Our reception team have received training and can offer help and support.  They are available from 8.30am-12.45pm and 1.45-6.00pm.  Unless you are calling for an urgent, on the day appointment it is best to call after 10.30am when the lines are quieter.


  • We are also trying to encourage continuity of care. If you need a follow up or review appointment, we prefer to book you with the GP you have seen before about the problem.  If there are no appointments available with this GP, we will put you on a waiting list and contact you when an appointment is available.


Our team have given over 3800 adult vaccinations between 1 September and 24 October 2024.  If you're interested in more information please click here.

Vaccination reactions

It is normal to experience a reaction following a vaccination.  Most of the side effects of vaccination are mild and do not last long.  The most common side effects of vaccination include:

  • the area where the needle goes in looking red, swollen and feeling a bit sore for 2 to 3 days
  • feeling a bit unwell or developing a high temperature for 1 or 2 days
  • older children and adults may feel faint
  • feeling tired, having a headache, mild fever, or flu-like symptom

We recommend taking paracetomol if you experience the above side effects after receiving a vaccination.

A Day in the Life of a GP

Please click here to read 'A Day in the Life of a GP'.

Possible extension

Stockbridge Surgery has been granted planning permission for a small extension at the front of Stockbridge Surgery.  The project is currently on hold while we consider all the implications, including financial. 


Confidentiality for Children and Young People

As a Practice we want to encourage children and young people to ask for our help.  It is important that children who are deemed competent to make their own healthcare decisions are assured that their consultations with the Practice are confidential.  

Some parents or carers have proxy access to their children's records (for booking appointments and requesting medication).  We will be switching this access off at age 13 in order to minimise the risk that parents access information that their children do not want them to know.  If children want to consent to their parents still having access they can book a GP appointment to discuss this.  Proxy access is permanently switched off at age 16.

We are also aware that children have their parents' mobile numbers on their records.  There will be a time for every child when it is more appropriate for them to have their own mobile number on their records.  We are writing to patients turning 16 years of age and 18 years of age to advise that we recommend they provide us with their own mobile number.  This is important because we may send links to relevant health information and would not want to accidentally disclose any of their medical information to a parent without their consent.  

From age 16 years children are deemed to be able to make their own healthcare decisions without requiring a GP assessment.  

We recognise that the vast majority of parents have the best interests of their children at heart, however old their children are.  We know that it is a source of frustration for some parents that we are unable to share information about their children with them unless they consent.  We would like to remind all patients of our responsibility for confidentiality and that we are very keen that young people trust us and are willing to approach us for help.  

Out of stock medication – why is it increasing?

We share the frustration of patients that there are an increasing number of medications we are unable to get hold in a timely manner. Please click here to read about some of the reasons for this.

Access to treatments for COVID-19 - changes from 27 June

NHS England has written to the majority of patients who are currently eligible for treatments for COVID-19, to inform them the way they access these treatments is changing.

From Tuesday 27 June, eligible patients will be able to self-refer to the COVID Medicines Delivery Unit (CMDU), which provides antiviral medicines to patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and who identify as belonging to the highest risk clinical subgroup.

This includes some patients with cancer, blood conditions, kidney disease, liver disease and auto-immune diseases, among others.

If you are an eligible patient and test positive for COVID-19, please contact the CMDU directly and self-refer by:

Patients will be assessed within 24 hours of referral.

Further information is available online:

Facts and Statistics about General Practitioners

Wessex Local Medical Committee have produced some information on the recruitment and retention of GPs.  We have added some details about the current challenges we face as your local GP surgery.

Please click this link to view the slides:  Facts-and-Stats-about-General-Practice-produced by Wessex LMC.pptx

HRT Supply - 11th May 2023

We are aware of significant supply issues with some HRT medication, specifically Estradiol and Utrogestan. These issues impact the whole country. 

Please click on the link below for information about HRT medications that are out of stock: 

BHUK_2023_269-ROI-BH-Ireland-Product-Supply-Update-May-v1.pdf (

Some larger suppliers may have stock and we will offer a paper prescription or an alternative medication.  

As a reminder, you can email the dispensary team - or speak to a member of the team by phoning 01264 810524 and choosing option 2 between 9am-10am or 2-3pm each working day (Monday-Friday, excluding bank holidays).  


HRT Prescriptions from 1 April 2023

HRT prescriptions will not be free from 1 April 2023.  Patients will be able to purchase a pre-payment certificate rather than pay for each individual prescription.  The pre-payment certificate is not currently available to purchase.  When it is available you can access it here:

If you apply for a certificate then when you complete the back of the prescription at the time of collecting your medication please indicate that you have a pre-payment certificate.  You will have to pay the prescription charge for any medication other than hrt.  

If you tick that you have a certificate when you do not then you will receive a letter from the NHS Prescription Service as this is fraudulant. 

The information below is from the above national NHS site.


You can only:

  • buy an HRT PPC if you live in England
  • use the HRT PPC for your own NHS prescribed HRT medicine.

An HRT PPC covers certain NHS prescribed HRT medicine.

You should use the HRT PPC as evidence of your entitlement to free NHS prescribed HRT medicine.

Before you buy

Check if you are entitled to free prescriptions on other grounds before buying an HRT PPC. This can be done via the above website.

HRT PPCs are not refundable so make sure you need to buy one before doing so.

Cost of an HRT PPC

The cost of an HRT PPC is the price at the time you buy it and is the same cost as 2 single NHS prescription items. This is regardless of the start date requested. The Department of Health and Social Care determines the cost of the HRT PPC. This may change on 1 April each year.

Certificate length

An HRT PPC is valid for 12 months.

HRT PPCs do not automatically renew.

HRT PPC start date

You can choose the start date of your HRT PPC. This can be up to one calendar month before or after the date you buy. If you do not specify a start date, it will start from the date you buy it.

The earliest you will be able to start your HRT PPC is 1 April 2023.

Errors or changes of circumstances

It's important your details are correct and kept up to date. You should report any errors or changes to your name or address without delay to NHSBSA.

When you claim free NHS prescriptions, we'll check that you are entitled to the exemption you have declared.

NHS prescription charge refund

Ask for an NHS receipt (FP57) when you pay for your prescription. You can’t get one later. The FP57 tells you how to claim. You have to apply for a refund within three months of paying the prescription charge.

HRT PPC refunds and cancellations

HRT PPCs are not refundable and cannot be cancelled once paid for.


Anonymised Data Sharing from GP Records to NHS Digital


How sharing patient data with NHS Digital helps the NHS and you

The NHS needs data about the patients it treats in order to plan and deliver its services and to ensure that care and treatment provided is safe and effective. The General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection will help the NHS to improve health and care services for everyone by collecting patient data that can be used to do this. For example patient data can help the NHS to:

•    monitor the long-term safety and effectiveness of care
•    plan how to deliver better health and care services
•    prevent the spread of infectious diseases
•    identify new treatments and medicines through health research

GP practices already share patient data for these purposes, but this new data collection will be more efficient and effective.

This means that GPs can get on with looking after their patients, and NHS Digital can provide controlled access to patient data to the NHS and other organisations who need to use it, to improve health and care for everyone.

Contributing to research projects will benefit us all as better and safer treatments are introduced more quickly and effectively without compromising your privacy and confidentiality.

What patient data we collect

This collection will start from 1 September 2021. Patient data will be collected from GP medical records about:

•    any living patient registered at a GP practice in England when the collection started - this includes children and adults
•    any patient who died after the data collection started, and was previously registered at a GP practice in England when the data collection started

We will not collect your name or where you live. Any other data that could directly identify you, for example NHS number, General Practice Local Patient Number, full postcode and date of birth, is replaced with unique codes which are produced by de-identification software before the data is shared with NHS Digital.

For further information please click here.

If you wish to opt out of this data collection please complete this form.

Please note that this is different from sharing information with the Summary Care Record which means that healthcare professionals providing care to you have access to your medical conditions and current medication.  Please see information here if you want to know more.

Staff vacancies

Please click here to see our current vacancies page.