Urgent or Minor Eye Problem

Urgent Eyecare Service

In Hampshire we are fortunate to have an Urgent Eyecare Service.

This is a FREE NHS service provided by accredited optometrists (also commonly known as opticians). They are better placed than GP's to assess eye conditions as they have access to more specialised equipment. They can refer directly to the Eye Hospital if required.

Please call 0300 303 4922 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.

This is a national triage hub.

If required, you will be given an appointment at a local optician.

What Symptoms Can Be Treated by the Urgent Eyecare Service?

  • Red or painful eye or eyelids
  • Recently occurring flashes and floaters
  • Recent and sudden loss of vision
  • Foreign body in the eye

Please note that this service is not an eye test.

This is a SELF-REFERRAL and you do not need to see a GP first.