Breast Lump or Breast Symptom

Women age 30 and over with a breast lump or breast symptom

Stockbridge Surgery is part of a pilot for women with breast lumps or other breast symptoms such as breast pain or nipple discharge.

This is part of the right patient, right time, right place NHS initiative.

You will not need to see or speak with a GP. You can self refer directly by calling 0300 123 0769 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm.

You should be contacted the same day by a specially trained breast nurse who will take a history and then plan your onwards care. This may include direct booking into a breast clinic at the hospital, a GP appointment or advice and reassurance with a follow up call in a few weeks.

Please see the below information leaflets for more information:

Breast lump and symptoms service poster

Breast lump and symptoms service important information