Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

Please allow 5 working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) before collection as we need time to process your request.



You can order your Repeat Prescription online through the NHS App

Already registered for Patient Access?

If you are already registered for Patient Access, you can switch to use the new NHS App, or you can order your repeat prescription online via Patient Access 

You can email requests to:


In Person or Post

If you have a repeat prescription, you should have a printed request slip showing the medications that you are on. Tick the items you need on the request slip and post it in to either Stockbridge or Broughton Surgery prescription post boxes or post it to: The Surgery, New Street, Stockbridge SO20 6HG.

If you have lost your repeat prescription request slip then a written note with the Patient details and specific medication request will also be accepted.

When you have about 1 weeks supply left of medication please order your next prescription. 

We do not accept repeat prescription requests by telephone or eConsult. For safety reasons you need to order them via online services or by posting into the prescription post boxes at either surgery.

Electronic Prescribing Service

Stockbridge Practice is set up for the electronic prescription service.

This means that for our non-dispensing patients we can send your prescription to your chosen chemist directly saving you having to come down to the surgery.

To get your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy please inform the Dispensary Team.

Repeat Medication Request "Notes"/Acute Medication Requests

Notes can be added to a repeat prescription order on the NHS app/online account as per the below instructional video:


These notes cannot be used to:

  • Request appointments
  • Request new medications that you have not had before
  • Request antibiotics, controlled drugs (e.g. Zopiclone, Benzodiazepam, certain opiates), medications to delay periods
  • Ask clinical queries

Please call the surgery or complete an econsult (link) if the above points apply.

We do not prescribe sedatives for fear of flying, dental procedures (please contact your dentist) or prior to scans (please contact radiology)

If you are using these notes to request a medication you have been previously given but is not on your repeat prescription list, please try to answer the below questions in as much detail as possible in your notes. This will make it more likely for a clinician to be able to prescribe your medication without needing a further appointment. If there is not enough space to provide the information you need, please complete an econsult (link), or alternatively you can call the surgery to provide this information - our reception team are trained to ask these questions. 

  • What medication are you requesting?
    • Please include dose, strength and quantity wherever possible (e.g 100g tube 1% Hydrocortisone as opposed to "steroid cream")
  • Why are you requesting this medication?
    • Please include as much detail as possible (e.g. symptoms you are experiencing, body part affected, what have you tried already over the counter/from a pharmacy)
  • Have you had this medication before? If so, when? How often are you using it and for how long?
  • If you are requesting a painkiller, are you also using any over the counter painkillers? If so, what painkillers and how often?

We aim to respond to notes on a prescription request within 2 working days. If your notes do not provide sufficient information for a clinician to safely prescribe the medication, you may be texted/emailed/called to provide further information or be asked to book a routine/urgent appointment to discuss your request.